LOUISIANA CONTEMPORARY | Presented by The Helis Foundation 2018 | "Got GPS, Fore".
Every August the Ogden Museum of Southern Art, in connection with Whitney White Linen Night, hosts its opening reception for its annual exhibition Louisiana Contemporary Presented by The Helis Foundation. Established in 2012, this statewide, juried exhibition promotes contemporary art practices in the state of Louisiana, provides exhibition space for the exposition of living artist’s work, and engages a contemporary audience that recognizes the vibrant visual culture of Louisiana and the role of New Orleans as a rising, international art center.
“Got GPS, Fore!” Awarded Third in Show, has been purchased by Roger H. Ogden for his collection and promised to the Ogden Museum of Southern Art, New Orleans, Louisiana
Rhenda Saporito activates the canvas with random marks to break up the surface. Those marks lead her to an intuitive approach when mixing and applying colors of paint. Her home of New Orleans, provides a fertile ground for visions that will one day appear in her paintings. Her work has been juried into several museum shows and she has been featured in magazine articles including FORBES, Fresh Paint Magazine, London and the cover of Inside New Orleans. The University Medical Center, New Orleans, Federal Reserve Bank and Sloan Kettering, New York selected her work for their collections.
“The ultimate goal is an emotional response to the work that is communicated without words. We should all be more emotional and passionate about life, our surroundings, and our work.”